Warwick House
We offer longer term therapeutic care for children and young people aged 7+ who require ongoing specialist support. This 4 bed home is staffed for 1:1 care which is critical for attachment building and behavioural change. Also includes a purpose built playroom.
Our Aspirations
- To meet and exceed the placement aims, achieving great, healthy, sustainable outcomes for every young person: socially, emotionally and academically.
- To promote and facilitate where possible a re-integration to foster care/back home, taking into consideration all the work
- Careful planning through transition periods aids stability at the start and in the progression on from the home.
- Liaising with key family members and professionals promotes a shared understanding and commitment. We value this joined up way of working.
- Transition work supports young people to learn the practical and emotional skills needed to cope with more independent living. Our expertise here has promoted: safety, reflection and personal accountability.

Therapy in the home
Forming positive relationships and providing safety are at the centre of our therapeutic care. From this nurturing foundation children can begin to see the world through a new lens to make positive and lasting changes in their lives.
All our care teams are trained in attachment and trauma informed care, meaning children’s complex needs and behaviours are understood and addressed at an emotional and physiological level. These developmental deficits are worked with relationally within the care home environment.