All of our pupils have very individual educational needs. Some have missed large parts of their previous education whilst other pupils face specific learning challenges. All need a consistent approach and a stimulating delivery of a broad and balanced National Curriculum.
Key Stages 2 and 3
Pupils in school years 2 to 9 are taught through the National Curriculum at a level which best matches their ability. Older pupils also have additional timetabled sessions for careers guidance; younger pupils have careers awareness built into the other subject teaching, life skills lessons and out of classroom learning.
Key Stage 4
Pupils in school years 10 and 11 have access to a range of accreditations so that, when they leave us, they are best prepared for their independent futures. Pupils also have additional timetabled sessions for careers guidance, life skills and out of classroom learning.
Pupils study for accreditations in:
GCSE or equivalents, Cambridge National Awards or certificates, Functional Skills Awards, ASDAN Short Course Awards, Entry Level Certificates, AQA Units of Accreditation and Vocational Awards.
Many KS4 pupils begin to work with local colleges or in work experience situations to help their preparation for greater future independence. All pupils have additional programmes in school which help them to develop the skills they need in relation to their future aspirations, social skills, resilience, emotional regulation and self esteem.

Should you wish to find out any further information about our school curriculum, please contact Jackie Handley on 016977 42598.
Curriculum Maps
The school leaders have devised a Curriculum Map which ensures the subjects of the National Curriculum are broken down in into specific year group expectations and then into themes to be taught over the 6 half terms of the academic year.
The map cover pupils learning ability ranging from Reception to year 9. This carefully considered map means that the teaching and learning for every subject is carefully matched to the level each pupil is working at. They may be at different levels in different subject areas and they may have significant gaps which we may need to address before they move on to the higher level concepts. This ensures firm foundations of learning
The sequencing of learning ensures that knowledge is secure before being built upon. We can accelerate learning in a specific topic if a child has in-depth knowledge and understanding so academic year group does not limit learning the subject plan from the year above can be accessed, the beauty of the whole school studying the same theme together.
By the end of Key Stage 4, pupils are prepared well for the next stage in their education.

Ongoing academic and pastoral support is given by a Teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants. In the classroom we aim to develop academic understanding, resilience, self-esteem and emotional literacy.
The staff are experienced in working with pupils who have encountered negative experiences at previous educational settings. Learning experiences are reinforced across subject areas and related to real life situations for a pupil to understand the importance, meaning and effect this will have on their future life. Our drive for inclusion seeks to increase pupil participation and remove barriers to learning. It is important that we instil a sense of pride and belonging for every young person to encourage a positive experience in education and give them aspirations and goals to achieve both now and in the future.
Kirby Moor School
The Kirby Moor site is situated in Brampton, Cumbria. Here the focus is educating pupils who need the approach of a secondary school including specialist teaching areas and specialist subject teachers. This approach is carefully mirrored while keeping class groups to no more than 5 pupils in a group.
Herdley Bank
The Herdley Bank site is a specialist annex to Kirby Moor School situated in Coanwood, Northumberland. Here the focus is educating pupils who’s social, emotional and learning needs require a high level of nurturing approach. Many of the pupils need a much higher level of predictability and routine.